What is the work?

A Shamanic & Psychotherapy based exploration of Your Shadow.

A pre recoded 3 part course, helping you:

Understand what The Shadow is.

Get aquainted with your own Shadow.

Begin to accept yourself and release triggers and projections.

Helping you find more peace and acceptance in life.

This course focuses on lots of guidance around self compassion and brings you lots of tools to help ease you into Shadow Work. Without which it can be a very diffcult topic.

What's The Format?

3 Pre recorded videos of around 1hr 45 mins each. Available for you to access at any time, and work through at your own pace. Press pause as you go, process it and then carry on when you are ready.

Alongside the videos are prompts, recordings and support.

Meditations, shamanic journey's and journalling prompts.

Ready for you to do over 3 weeks or over 3 years. You are welcome to complete the course then come back to parts when the subjects arise again in your life.

Example Curriculum

  Shadow Work
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2:
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3:
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Ruth Cato

I'm a Shamanic guide, working closely with Hekate the lamp bearer who takes her light into the dark places.

This is what we aimed to do with this work, shine the lantern into the corners.

Shadow work has been a key component of my own healing and I know will be enormously enlightening for anyone wishing to understand themselves and their relatinships better.